Not reproductible crash + unexpected exception?

Rémi Forax forax at
Wed Mar 2 08:26:28 PST 2011

The VM (jdk7b131 linux 64bits) crashes once when running:
   java -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic -cp . 

The weird thing is even if I'm not able to reproduce the crash anymore.
I join the classes:
   Megamorphic* classes are in .
   and RT.class is in jsr335/lambda/optimizer/

Moreover, it doesn't work as expected and I get a weird error message:
   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: no 
bootstrap method found for invokedynamic
       at Megamorphic2.test(
       at Megamorphic2.main(

Megamorphic2.class contains three invokedynamic calls in test():
private static void test(Mapper<Object, Object> mapper1, Mapper<Object, 
Object> mapper2, Mapper<Object, Object> mapper3, ArrayList<Object> list) 
throws Throwable {
     bar(list, mapper1);
     bar(list, mapper2);
     bar(list, mapper3);

The first one is resolved correctly but the next one throw the 

For the curious, I'm working to create an agent to optimize lambda calls :)


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