review request (L): 7012648/JDK: move JSR 292 to package java.lang.invoke and adjust names

John Rose john.r.rose at
Wed Mar 23 02:10:52 PDT 2011

Summary: JDK code for package and class renaming from java.dyn to java.lang.invoke.

Includes certain other small changes:
 - move remaining (miscellaneous) contents of sun.dyn to sun.invoke
 - make minor revisions to documentation during Public Review
 - remove the out-of-scope term "SAM type" from documentation and code
 - delete unused methods and classes
 - make minor (API-invisible) code cleanups

The non-renaming changes may be viewed separately here:

This change set is for the JDK repository, specifically:

A previous coordinated change set for the JVM, also marked with bug 7012648, is about to be promoted (jdk7-b135).

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