review request (L): 7012648/JDK: move JSR 292 to package java.lang.invoke and adjust names

Christian Thalinger christian.thalinger at
Wed Mar 23 03:45:19 PDT 2011

On Mar 23, 2011, at 10:10 AM, John Rose wrote:
> Summary: JDK code for package and class renaming from java.dyn to java.lang.invoke.
> Includes certain other small changes:
> - move remaining (miscellaneous) contents of sun.dyn to sun.invoke
> - make minor revisions to documentation during Public Review
> - remove the out-of-scope term "SAM type" from documentation and code
> - delete unused methods and classes
> - make minor (API-invisible) code cleanups


Copyright year update missing.


+    // /** @deprecated This override, which is implementation-specific, will be removed for PFD. */
+    // public final int hashCode() { return hashCode; }
+    // private final int hashCode = HASH_CODES.getAndAdd(0x61c88647);
+    // private static final AtomicInteger HASH_CODES = new AtomicInteger();

Why comment it and not simply remove it?


+     * <p>
      * This method is equivalent to the following code:
-     * <code>
+     * <p><blockquote><pre>
      * {@link #dropArguments(MethodHandle,int,List) dropArguments}(target, pos, Arrays.asList(valueTypes))
      * </code>
+     * </pre></blockquote>

</code> should be removed too.


- * All failures are reported by an {@link java.dyn.InvokeDynamicBootstrapError InvokeDynamicBootstrapError},
+ * All failures are reported by an {@link java.lang.invoke.InvokeDynamicBootstrapError InvokeDynamicBootstrapError},

That's BootstrapMethodError.


Just a question:  is noJVMSupport() a JVM entry point?  Because it's private static and not used in this class.

Otherwise looks good.

-- Christian

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