OpenJDK 8 on OS/X and XCode 4.

Henri Gomez henri.gomez at
Fri Nov 4 01:47:22 PDT 2011

2011/11/4 John Rose <john.r.rose at>:
> Recent changes in hsx/hotspot have destabilized the build on mac.  I just pushed another workaround here:
> The buildtree.make change fixes the failure Henri saw.  (Or you can add "ALWAYS_PASS_TEST_GAMMA=true" to the build script settings.)
> -- John
> P.S.  I tried a build with llvm-gcc and got sporadic bus errors.  Went back to gcc-4.0 and things got quieter.

Seems to works better :)

One built done with gcc/g++ 4.0 and another with gcc/g++ 4.2, not
tried yet with llvm's

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