JRuby invokedynamic updates for November

Stephen Bannasch stephen.bannasch at deanbrook.org
Wed Nov 30 13:27:42 PST 2011

At 2:43 PM -0600 11/30/11, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>I should add that if you're running this against a u2ish build and
>seeing poor performance, we need to talk. I'm not seeing that locally,
>and you shouldn't see it either.

Here's what I am testing with: Java 1.6.0_27 and macosx-port and mlvm built today.

MLVM is patched on top of: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/hsx/hotspot-comp

The following tests are all based on this JRuby commit in the master branch:

  $ git log -1
  commit 49bb5f73dfc48080254a27ebc858d3639bd5dc2d
  Author: Charles Oliver Nutter <headius at headius.com>
  Date:   Wed Nov 30 04:33:36 2011 -0600

      Remove unused import.

Java 1.6.0_27, JRuby master branch

  $ jruby xml_benchmarks.rb

  Ruby version: jruby 1.7.0.dev (ruby-1.8.7-p352) (2011-11-30 49bb5f7) (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_27) [darwin-x86_64-java]

  100 times: Open 98k XML document and count one type of leaf element (466 entries)

  running benchmark once.

  Rehearsal ---------------------------------------------------------
  rexml                   6.385000   0.000000   6.385000 (  6.385000)
  hpricot                 1.177000  0.000000   1.177000 (  1.177000)
  jdom_document_builder   1.226000   0.000000   1.226000 (  1.226000)
  nokogiri                2.105000   0.000000   2.105000 (  2.105000)
  ----------------------------------------------- total: 10.893000sec

                              user     system      total        real
  rexml                   3.957000   0.000000   3.957000 (  3.957000)
  hpricot                 0.460000  0.000000   0.460000 (  0.459000)
  jdom_document_builder   0.234000   0.000000   0.234000 (  0.234000)
  nokogiri                0.378000   0.000000   0.378000 (  0.378000

http://hg.openjdk.java.net/macosx-port/macosx-port built today, JRuby master branch

  $ jruby xml_benchmarks.rb

  Ruby version: jruby 1.7.0.dev (ruby-1.8.7-p352) (2011-11-30 49bb5f7) (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0-internal) [darwin-x86_64-java]

  100 times: Open 98k XML document and count one type of leaf element (466 entries)

  running benchmark once.

  Rehearsal ---------------------------------------------------------
  rexml                  28.917000   0.000000  28.917000 ( 28.917000)
  hpricot                 2.226000  0.000000   2.226000 (  2.226000)
  jdom_document_builder   1.372000   0.000000   1.372000 (  1.372000)
  nokogiri                2.448000   0.000000   2.448000 (  2.448000)
  ----------------------------------------------- total: 34.963000sec

                              user     system      total        real
  rexml                  28.005000   0.000000  28.005000 ( 28.005000)
  hpricot                 2.211000  0.000000   2.211000 (  2.211000)
  jdom_document_builder   0.264000   0.000000   0.264000 (  0.264000)
  nokogiri                0.457000   0.000000   0.457000 (  0.457000)

MLVM built today:

  $ jruby xml_benchmarks.rb

  Ruby version: jruby 1.7.0.dev (ruby-1.8.7-p352) (2011-11-30 49bb5f7) (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0-internal) [darwin-amd64-java]

  100 times: Open 98k XML document and count one type of leaf element (466 entries)

  running benchmark once.

  Rehearsal ---------------------------------------------------------
  rexml                  65.205000   0.000000  65.205000 ( 65.205000)
  hpricot                 4.433000  0.000000   4.433000 (  4.433000)
  jdom_document_builder   1.375000   0.000000   1.375000 (  1.374000)
  nokogiri                2.029000   0.000000   2.029000 (  2.029000)
  ----------------------------------------------- total: 73.042000sec

                              user     system      total        real
  rexml                  73.540000   0.000000  73.540000 ( 73.540000)
  hpricot                 6.483000  0.000000   6.483000 (  6.483000)
  jdom_document_builder   0.245000   0.000000   0.245000 (  0.245000)
  nokogiri                0.433000   0.000000   0.433000 (  0.433000)

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