Google Dart

William ML Leslie william.leslie.ttg at
Tue Oct 11 18:53:09 PDT 2011

Unfortunately, this thread has been a little off-topic for a while
now.  I don't think there is a good single forum for "let's complain
about Dart design decisions", and it probably isn't useful to do so,
as every person I've spoken to on the subject has something completely
different that they dislike about it, and not everyone agrees on each
specific point anyway.

On 12 October 2011 03:42, BGB <cr88192 at> wrote:
> however, I don't like it per-se, as the way it leaves open the case that
> an implementation may be forced to use dynamially-typed references even
> when using declared types, which IMO partly defeats the point of using
> declared types.

The 'types should/should-not affect program behaviour' is a
philosophical choice, and there are people who feel very strongly
about it.

Anyway, this doesn't preclude you from generating guarded, optimised
code for the case that the types are as expected, and you can do this

William Leslie

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