are there changes for building mlvm now that 1.7 is released?

Stephen Bannasch stephen.bannasch at
Fri Sep 2 05:07:38 PDT 2011

At 12:58 AM -0700 9/2/11, John Rose wrote:
>OK, I have rebased the mlvm patch repository to hsx/hotspot-comp.
>If you have been reusing your upstream source repositories (based on bsd-port), you will have to discard them and pull instead from hotspot-comp.
>As a temporary solution for building on Mac OS, I have included a set of new patches called patches/*/jdk7-b147-to-bsd-port.patch which capture the relevant differences from bsd-port, and are applicable to the contents of hsx/hotspot-comp/*/. When we get the bsd-port changes folded into hsx, these ugly patches will go away.
>BTW, if you build on Mac OS, you need to enable the guard "bsd-port" in the patch queue guard files, or else the ugly patches won't get rolled in.  The makefile (in patches/make/) attempts to do this automagically for you.
>Please give it a whirl and let me know what breaks.

Thanks John,

is gcc 4.0 still required.

When I setup my build system for mlvm and bsd-port I did the following to use gcc 4.0:

# Create the ALT_COMPILER_PATH directory and compiler links:
#   In the sources/ dir create the ALT_COMPILER_PATH dir and
#   the following symbolic links to the gcc 4.0 compilers:
#      cd sources
#      mkdir ALT_COMPILER_PATH
#      ln -s /usr/bin .SOURCE
#      ln -s .SOURCE/g++-4.0 g++
#      ln -s .SOURCE/gcc-4.0 gcc

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