are there changes for building mlvm now that 1.7 is released?

Michael Barker mikeb01 at
Thu Sep 8 11:45:34 PDT 2011


Should there be a relevant jdk7-b147-to-bsd-port.patch patch for the
hotspot tree?

stub:hotspot mikeb01$ hg qselect
stub:hotspot mikeb01$ head -4 .hg/patches/series
# base = a32de5085326 in [2011-09-01]

jdk7-b147-to-bsd-port.patch     #+bsd-port
snowleopard.patch               #+bsd-port #-/snowleopard #+gcc42
stub:hotspot mikeb01$ hg qpush
applying jdk7-b147-to-bsd-port.patch
unable to read jdk7-b147-to-bsd-port.patch

stub:patches mikeb01$ ls */jdk7-b147-to-bsd-port.patch
jdk/jdk7-b147-to-bsd-port.patch		langtools/jdk7-b147-to-bsd-port.patch


On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 8:58 AM, John Rose <john.r.rose at> wrote:
> OK, I have rebased the mlvm patch repository to hsx/hotspot-comp.
> If you have been reusing your upstream source repositories (based on bsd-port), you will have to discard them and pull instead from hotspot-comp.
> As a temporary solution for building on Mac OS, I have included a set of new patches called patches/*/jdk7-b147-to-bsd-port.patch which capture the relevant differences from bsd-port, and are applicable to the contents of hsx/hotspot-comp/*/.  When we get the bsd-port changes folded into hsx, these ugly patches will go away.
> BTW, if you build on Mac OS, you need to enable the guard "bsd-port" in the patch queue guard files, or else the ugly patches won't get rolled in.  The makefile (in patches/make/) attempts to do this automagically for you.
> Please give it a whirl and let me know what breaks.
> End-of-summer regards,
> -- John
> On Aug 19, 2011, at 11:47 AM, Christian Thalinger wrote:
>> On Aug 19, 2011, at 7:33 PM, Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>>>>> I'm open to suggestions on this one.
>>>>> It seems to me that the bsd-port repo. is slowing down prior to absorption into the mainline.
>>>>> In this case, maybe the rational thing is to reparent to a faster-moving repo.
>>>>> In particular, I think we should reparent to from bsd-port/bsd-port to hsx/hotspot-comp .  That's (approximately) where our future is anyway.
>>>>> Current diffs only in bsd-port (which are necessary for mac builds!) can be posted as a suitably conditional part of the mlvm patch queue.
>>>>> Comments?
>>>> I concur!  Moving to hsx/hotspot-comp would be a very good idea.  That would make publishing patches to mlvm a lot easier.
>>> I think we're not very far from having the bsd-port diffs in hotspot which will alleviate this.  I kind of volunteered myself to shepherd them in and I want to get it done early next week.  Hopefully this will allow the mac builds to start directly from hsx, modulo any build breakages since neither BSD nor Mac are in JPRT yet.
>> I volunteer to review (and try) them too.
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