are there changes for building mlvm now that 1.7 is released?

Michael Barker mikeb01 at
Sun Sep 11 01:10:25 PDT 2011

> Please give it a whirl and let me know what breaks.

I have a working build on Mac OS X Lion with gcc-4.2.  I started with
stephenb's MLVM build scripts.  I have a couple of small issues to
crack as I went:

- Bootstrapped with 64bit bsd-port openjdk 1.7 binaries from:
- Disabled warning as errors as per:
- For some reason the /usr/bin/printf binary didn't like one of the
printf statements in the top-level make folder, so the made the
following change:

--- a/make/Defs-internal.gmk	Thu Sep 01 13:54:18 2011 -0700
+++ b/make/Defs-internal.gmk	Sun Sep 11 08:59:09 2011 +0100
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 # Find all build_time_* files and print their contents in a list sorted
 # on the name of the sub repository.
 define ReportBuildTimes
-$(PRINTF) "-- Build times ----------\nTarget %s\nStart %s\nEnd
%s\n%s\n%s\n-------------------------\n" \
+$(PRINTF) "## Build times ##########\nTarget %s\nStart %s\nEnd
%s\n%s\n%s\n#########################\n" \

For some reason printf was interpreting the initial "--" as command
line argument and failed stating that "-" was not a valid option.

- The really odd one was the hotspot build wasn't copying the
necessary files into its import folder (failed to find the appropriate
build target for the copy).  I tracked it down the the
hotspot/make/Makefile export folder settings weren't picking up the
values for HS_ARCH and VM_PLATFORM from the
hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/defs.make file.  I hacked (i.e. I wouldn't
consider it a proper fix) HS_ARCH=x86 and VM_PLATFORM=bsd_amd64 into
the top of the file and it all built correctly.


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