are there changes for building mlvm now that 1.7 is released?

Michael Barker mikeb01 at
Tue Sep 13 14:28:35 PDT 2011

> Did you have to use patches/hotspot/snowleopard.patch for gcc-4.2, or can we delete that?

The snowleopard.patch was applied, I'll have a go at a build without it.

>> - The really odd one was the hotspot build wasn't copying the
>> necessary files into its import folder (failed to find the appropriate
>> build target for the copy).  I tracked it down the the
>> hotspot/make/Makefile export folder settings weren't picking up the
>> values for HS_ARCH and VM_PLATFORM from the
>> hotspot/make/bsd/makefiles/defs.make file.  I hacked (i.e. I wouldn't
>> consider it a proper fix) HS_ARCH=x86 and VM_PLATFORM=bsd_amd64 into
>> the top of the file and it all built correctly.
> That smells like a failed attempt to run "uname" somewhere.
> What did this line do in defs.make:
>   ARCH:=$(shell uname -m)

I think I see the problem, "uname -m" returns x86_64 and there is no
condition in defs.make that will match.  Only ARCH=amd64 or ARCH=i386


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