Hotspot loves PHP.reboot / stack capturing exception

Mark Roos mroos at
Wed Sep 14 12:58:58 PDT 2011

>From Thomas
        (e.g., they could 
        use the Java expression stack as their own expression stack 

I believe that this is both used and necessary to create reasonable 
performance implementation
of Smalltalk on the jvm.  I do this in Rtalk today mapping the Smalltalk 
stack to the jvm stack and then
use jvmti to get access to the stack when I need it.  There are some 
tradeoffs here with what can be
done vs a true Smalltalk stack but I don't see them as that critical( 
mostly with the manipulations
of continuations).

It does bring up John's concern that with a debugger available security is 
more difficult.  The Smalltalk 
I am referencing for my implementation converts the machine stack to 
objects and back as necessary. 
Perhaps this approach would give an opportunity to control visibility at a 
fixed point.  I believe this is in
line with some of this thread.

This brings up what I see as a larger requirement to fulfill the promise 
of Smalltalk.  In Smalltalk everything
is an object ( including the stack, heap, vm ...) which can be manipulated 
from the application side at will.
Even to the extent of modifying the vm's behavior or the gc.  Most of this 
is possible if jvmti would be
available from the object side.  Having a controlled access api would also 
give a location where visibility
and security could be enforced.

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