Coroutines in JDK8++?

Lukas Stadler lukas.stadler at
Mon Apr 2 08:53:40 PDT 2012


I've last updated the coro patch beginning of December, and people have 
been compiling and using it at least mid-February.
It is quite experimental, but it's complete enough to prove the 
usefulness of coroutines on a JVM.

One important step towards coroutines on Java is a JSR, I guess...
There's a mailing list hosted on one of our university servers for the 
purpose of discussing coroutine/continuation JSR proposals, but there 
hasn't been much traffic lately (partly because of lack of time and 
responsiveness on my side, I fear...).

How does the Adopt OpenJDK program interact with JSRs? It may be a good 
time to start discussing a coroutine JSR again...


Am 2012-04-01 09:45, schrieb Martijn Verburg:
> Hi Mark,
> Last I heard there was an old experimental patch by Lucas?<sp>. I
> know that we have some very interested people in the London Java User
> Group (aka the LJC).  We've listed it as one of the Advanced projects
> we'll be looking into as part of the global Adopt OpenJDK program, so
> if you have some spare cycles and are interested in joining in then
> please let me know.
> Cheers,
> Martijn
> On 1 April 2012 09:44, Mark Roos<mroos at>  wrote:
>> I was looking at the proposals for JDK8.9.10 and did not see any mention
>> of coroutines/green threads.
>> Are they flawed, not interesting, etc or just did not rise to the level of
>> getting
>> a bullet? Or maybe they did get the bullet.
>> mark
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