Clever uses of InvokeDynamic

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Fri Apr 20 08:41:43 PDT 2012

That reminds me...I should hook up the (little used) globals in JRuby to indy.


- Charlie

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 11:23 AM, MacGregor, Duncan (GE Energy)
<duncan.macgregor at> wrote:
> Really it's similar to lazy constants, but we use invokeDynamic for
> global variable access which we have a lot of since our language is
> exemplar based we have a lot of globals that hold those exemplars. The
> name of the global is passed as an argument to the bootstrap and this
> returns a constant call site that gets or sets the value in a bound
> storage cell.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mlvm-dev-bounces at
> [mailto:mlvm-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Charles Oliver
> Nutter
> Sent: 17 April 2012 18:30
> To: Da Vinci Machine Project; JVM Languages
> Subject: Clever uses of InvokeDynamic
> I'm filling out the remaining slides in my JAX keynote on InvokeDynamic,
> and I'm interested in additional "clever" uses of invokedynamic folks
> have discovered.
> I have included the following, which we make use of in JRuby:
> * Dynamic invocation (obviously)
> * Lazy constants
> * Multiple dispatch
> I'll also make a brief mention of MethodHandle as a replacement for
> java.lang.reflect stuff.
> Other good ones for a room full of people learning invokedynamic for the
> first time?
> - Charlie
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