Java 7 update 12 issue with MethodHandles.catchException.

Christian Thalinger christian.thalinger at
Wed Dec 12 09:31:44 PST 2012

Do you see the same failure with 8 (to rule out differences between 7u12 and 8)?

-- Chris

On Dec 12, 2012, at 7:12 AM, "MacGregor, Duncan (GE Energy Management)" <duncan.macgregor at> wrote:

> Finally got time to try running our full application under 7u12 and I've hit a problem with our database library. In two cases where we are combining method handles to catch exceptions from a library method, process those exceptions to fill in our own error information and then fallback to the proper error handling code, we are failing to be bind properly. The failure occurs with methods with 9 or more arguments where the last one is an array.
> I've attached a minimal test case which works under update 10 but fails under update 12 (all tests on Windows x64) and shows the difference in behaviour with the number of args.
> <>
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