Benchmarking Smalltalk on JVM

Rémi Forax forax at
Wed Feb 1 14:10:09 PST 2012

On 02/01/2012 10:44 PM, Mark Roos wrote:
> Hi Charles
> Its pretty simple.  All of my integers are boxed and are by definition 
> immutable.  However I noticed
> that many uses of integer were for loop counters and indexes where the 
> integer never escapes from
> the method.  So I added two primitives, one to copy a integer into a 
> new box  and the other to increment
> the java primitive held inside the box.  In all other ways it inherits 
> from my Integer class.  The value is in
> reducing Integer creation for big loop/index ints.
> Usage looks like
>         position := 1 newMutable.   gets a mutable integer with an 
> initial value of 1
>         position increment:1.            increments the internal 
> primitive
>         position <= 100000          normal integer compare method
> I'll probably add a mutable bit to the header to protect the unwary in 
> case it escapes but for now its
> a power tool.
> regards
> mark

if you know it will never escape,you should use an int directly.


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