Working around NoClassDefFound

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Mon Jul 2 17:56:22 PDT 2012

Ok folks...last I heard from Christian the new indy backend is not
going to make u6, so I'm actively seeking workarounds for the dreaded

I believe Remi suggested something like erasing the types in the MH
tree and then re-casting them or something, but I can't find the

I have fixed some instances of it by making sure I generate jitted
Ruby code into isolated classloaders rather than ever sharing the code
across classloaders, but it's not a good general solution.

I don't have an easy reproduction yet. Since it only happens when indy
jits, and since I only use indy once Ruby code jits, it's a bit
unpredictable. It also doesn't appear to happen with JRuby on the boot happens only when JRuby is loaded in a child

So...has anyone found a way to work around NCDFE?

- Charlie

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