TaggedArrays (Proposal)
Thomas Wuerthinger
thomas.wuerthinger at oracle.com
Tue Jul 3 06:49:33 PDT 2012
can you also make the native part (in particular the JNI implementation)
available? We'd like to experiment with it in the context of the GraalVM
Thx, thomas
On 02.07.2012 15:05, Jim Laskey wrote:
> During a week in the rarefied air of Stockholm back in May, a
> sleepless night got me thinking. The day after that, the thinking
> became a reality. I've been sitting on the code since, not sure what
> to do next. So..., why not start the month leading up to the JVMLS
> with a discussion about dynamic values.
> Every jLanguage developer knows that primitive boxing is the enemy.
> Even more so for untyped languages. We need a way to interleave
> primitive types with references.
> Tagged values (value types) for dynamic languages have been approached
> from a dozen different angles over the history of Java. However, no
> one seems to be satisfied with any of the proposals so far. Either
> the implementation is too limiting for the language developer or too
> complex to implement.
> Most recently, John (Rose) proposed hiding value tagging in the JVM
> via the Integer/Long/Float/Double.valueof methods. I saw a few issues
> with this proposal. First, the implementation works differently on 32
> bit and 64 bit platforms (only half a solution on each). Secondly,
> control of the tag bits is hidden such that it doesn't give a language
> implementor any leeway on bit usage. Finally, it will take a long
> time for it to get introduced into the JVM. The implementation is
> complex, scattered all over the VM and will lead to a significant
> multiplier for testing coverage.
> It occurred to me on that sleepless Monday night, that the solution
> for most dynamic languages could be so much simpler. First, we have
> to look at what it is we really need. Ultimately it's about boxing.
> We want to avoid allocating memory whenever we need to store a
> primitive value in an object. Concerning ourselves with passing
> around tagged values in registers and storing in stack frames is all
> red herring. All that is needed is a mechanism for storing tagged
> values (or compressed values) in a no-type slot of a generic object.
> Thinking about it in these terms isolates all issues to a single
> array-like class, and thus simplifies implementation and simplifies
> testing. Instances of this class can be used as objects, as stack
> frames and even full stacks. A good percentage of a dynamic language
> needs are covered.
> So, Rickard Bäckman (also of Oracle) and I defined an API and
> implemented (in HotSpot) an interface called TaggedArray.
> Conceptional, TaggedArray is a fixed array of no-type slots (64-bit),
> where each slot can contain either a reference or a tagged long value
> (least significant bit set.) Internally, TaggedArray class's doOop
> method knows that it should skip any 64-bit value with the least
> significant bit set. How the language developer uses the other 63
> bits is up to them. References are just addresses. On 32 bit
> machines, the address (or packed address) is stored in the high
> 32-bits (user has no access) So there is no interference with the tag
> bit.
> We supply four implementations of the API. 1) is a naive two parallel
> arrays (one Object[], one long[]) implementation for platforms not
> supporting TaggedArrays (and JDK 1.7), 2) an optimized version of 1)
> that allocates each array on demand, 3) a JNI implementation
> (minimally needed for the interpreter) that uses the native
> implementation and 4) the native implementation that is recognized by
> both the C1/C2 compilers (effort only partially completed.) In
> general, the implementation choice is transparent to the user (optimal
> choice.)
> I've enclosed a JavaDoc and the roughed out source. For discussion.
> Fire away.
> Cheers,
> -- Jim
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