Working around NoClassDefFound

Rémi Forax forax at
Wed Jul 4 02:02:00 PDT 2012

On 07/04/2012 03:01 AM, Mark Roos wrote:
> From Charlie
> It also doesn't appear to happen with JRuby on the boot
> happens only when JRuby is loaded in a child
> classloader.
> That was my experience as well.  The only way I found to avoid it was to
> put my code into the bootClassPath.  I messed with other ideas ( but not
> Rémi's) but the error always eventually returned.
> regards
> mark

There is only one workaround to avoid the NoClassDefFound error as far 
as I know,
the signature of all invokedynamic calls must not contain any class 
which is not in the bootclasspath.
So either you put the runtime classes in the bootclasspath or you erase 
all your signature to only use
primitive types and Object.


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