Improving the performance of stacktrace generation

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Sat Jul 7 15:03:34 PDT 2012

Today I have a new conundrum for you all: I need stack trace
generation on Hotspot to be considerably faster than it is now.

In order to simulate many Ruby features, JRuby (over)uses Java stack
traces. We recently (JRuby 1.6, about a year ago) moved to using the
Java stack trace as the source of our Ruby backtrace information,
mining out compiled frames and using interpreter markers to peel off
interpreter frames. The result is that a Ruby trace with mixed
compiled and interpreted code like this
( turns into this
( I consider this a great deal better
than the plain Java trace, and I know other language implementers have
lamented the verbosity of stack traces coming out of their languages.

The unfortunate thing is that stack trace generation is very expensive
in the JVM, and in order to generate normal exceptions and emulate
other features we sometimes generate a lot of them. I think there's
value in exploring how we can make stack trace generation cheaper at
the JVM level.

Here's a few cases in Ruby where we need to use Java stack traces to
provide the same features:

* Exceptions as non-exceptional or moderately-exceptional method results

In this case I'm specifically thinking about Ruby's tendency to
propagate errno values as exceptions; EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK for example
are thrown from nonblocking IO methods when there's no data available.

You will probably say "that's a horrible use for exceptions" and I
agree. But there are a couple reasons why it's nicer too:
- using return value sigils requires you to propagate them back out
through many levels of calls
- exception-handling is cleaner in code than having all your errno
handling logic spliced into regular program flow

In any case, the cost of generating a stack trace for potentially
every non-blocking IO call is obviously too high. In JRuby, we default
to having EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK exceptions not generate a stack trace,
and you must pass a flag for them to do so. The justification is that
these exceptions are almost always used to branch back to the top of a
nonblocking IO loop, so the backtrace is useless.

* Getting the current or previous method's name/file/line

Ruby supports a number of features that allow you to get basic
information about the method currently being executed or the method
that called it. The most general of these features is the "caller"
method, which provides an array of all method name + file + line that
would appear in a stack trace at this point. This feature is often
abused to get only the current or previous frame, and so in Ruby 1.9
they added __method__ to get the currently-executing method's

In both cases, we must generate a full Java trace for these methods
because the name of a method body is not necessarily statically known.
We often want only the current frame or the current and previous
frames, but we pay the cost of generating an entire Java stack trace
to get them.

* Warnings that actually report the line of code that triggered them

In Ruby, it is possible to generate non-fatal warnings to stderr. In
many cases, these warnings automatically include the file and line at
which the triggering code lives. Because the warning logic is
downstream from the Ruby code, we again must use a full Java stack
trace to find the most recent (on stack) Ruby frame. This causes
warnings to be as expensive as regular exceptions.

Because the use of frame introspection (in this case through stack
traces) has largely been ignored on current JVMs, I suspect there's a
lot of improvement possible. At a minimum, the ability to only grab
the top N frames from the stack trace could be a great improvement
(Hotspot even has flags to restrict how large a trace it will
generate, presumably to avoid the cost of accounting for deep stacks
and generating traces from them).

Any thoughts on this? Does anyone else have need for lighter-weight
name/file/line inspection of the call stack?

- Charlie

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