Testing out latest work

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Fri Jul 13 22:34:39 PDT 2012

On Jul 13, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:

> Still looking good on general stability. Perf is a mixed bag but still
> usually faster than non-indy.

Well, that's better than slower.  We are going to shake out lots of perf. problems after we get this next push done.

> I have run into my first obvious behavioral difference between the new
> and old code: the "name" argument (2nd arg) to bootstrap methods was
> interned under the old backend, but is not in the new backend. I don't
> know if there's anything in the spec to indicate it should be
> interned, but I figured I'd bring it up. It was the source of many
> test failures in JRuby because we had a key BSM that expected interned
> Strings.

Oops, I'll intern the strings.  I see no reason not to.  It is slightly surprising when strings which originate in the constant pool are *not* interned.

> I'm working my way through JRuby's jit.threshold=0 and AOT test
> suites, and so far that's the only indy-related issue. I'm looking
> into another test that seems to fail sporadically but only on MLVM.

Thanks.  Good news so far.

— John
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