Testing RTALK on JDK8 MLVM

Mark Roos mroos at roos.com
Thu Jul 19 10:15:16 PDT 2012

Thanks John,  don't jump right in to my report. I'll look into it more and
I really don't want to sidetrack you. 

I did run with several flag choices ( server, tiered, debug agent ) and 
only about a 10% difference after I let hotspot stabilize.  I am pretty 
I don't have Christian's patch so I look forward to more.  My best setup
is 687/450 vs standard Java. For whatever reason the repeatable slowness
of yesterday is not apparent today.

Is there any way from within ( or from a debug agent ) to tell hotspot to
forget all optimization? 

I also see a few of these.

 430   COMPILE SKIPPED: invalid non-klass dependency

 704   COMPILE SKIPPED: out of nodes parsing method (not retryable)  ( 
server mode )

1623   COMPILE SKIPPED: out of nodes parsing method (retry at different 

I am going to retrace yesterday's setup to see where the 4X slowdown came 

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