two things invokedynamic canbot do

Julien Ponge julien.ponge at
Tue Jun 26 04:37:47 PDT 2012

You may bypass the invokespecial <init>(…)V as a first method invocation within a constructor requirement by launching the JVM with -noverify. As long as you don't do anything stupid in the bytecode it will be just ok and you can call a constructor using indy.

Anyway I confess that disabling verification is probably not what you want ;-)

- Julien  

On Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:

> On 06/26/2012 11:40 AM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >  
> > just to be sure I understand correctly... afaik there are two things
> > invokedynamic cannot do.
> >  
> > (1) calling private methods
> > actually I am not sure this is really true. There is a Lookup instance I
> > can use to get handles to private methods (afaik), therefore it should
> > be possible. Or is there an artificial restriction of some kind?
> No restriction, or you need a way to get the proper lookup
> or you use reflection to get a j.l.r.Method, call setAccessible(true)
> and unreflect it as a MethodHandle (see MethodHandles.unreflect*).
> >  
> > (2) calling super()
> > afaik I cannot generate a call site that replaces the invokeSpecial call
> > to a super class constructor.
> You can call but not super().
> It's because the VM verifies that you should not have access to an
> uninitialized object, ie. access to an object before calling super().
> So if you do a super() using a MethodHandle, because it's hidden
> by an invokedynamic (or a constant method handle) the VM as no
> way to know that this invokedynamic will call the constructor
> of the super class, so the verifier will not let you call invokedynamic
> on this in a constructor without calling explicitly super() before.
> >  
> > Am I right about those?
> >  
> > bye blackdrag
> Rémi
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