update on macosx build support for mlvm

Stephen Bannasch stephen.bannasch at deanbrook.org
Sat Mar 3 16:53:05 PST 2012

At 12:35 PM -0800 3/3/12, John Rose wrote:
>Folks, you probably noticed that I pushed some patches called macosx-7113349.patch.
>These are a preview of Michael McMahon's excellent and much-needed work transferring macosx build support to JDK8.
>With these changes, it is possible to build again on macosx.  (Those who build on Mac have surely noticed that building hasbeen increasingly unreliable in recent weeks.)
>Here is a message I just sent that discusses this:
>  http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/macosx-port-dev/2012-March/003474.html
>Here's the summary.  To build on macosx, you can adjust previous build procedures as follows:
>1. Upgrade to Lion; download Xcode; install the command line tools.
>2. Set LP64=1.  (Avoid 32-bit builds, at least for now.)
>3. Add Michael's patches to jdk.  (Crucial!)
>4. Set ALT_BOOTDIR to a download of OpenJDK 7 preview on macosx: http://jdk7.java.net/macportpreview/
>5. Remove ALT_FREETYPE_* settings from the build script.
>6. Find the compilers using xcrun:  CC=$(  xcrun -find gcc ); CXX=$( xcrun -find g++ )
>7. Set OPENJDK=true for luck.  (Not sure if this is necessary.)
>I don't know whether the upgrade to Lion and LP64 is necessary for everyone, but I hoped it would simplify my life, and it has.  (New Mail UI took some getting used to.)

Hi John,

I'm seeing if I can get it to build on 10.6.8.

I'm using my recent build of jdk7u-dev build for ALT_BOOTDIR and ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH.

  $ /usr/libexec/java_home --version 1.7 -V

  Matching Java Virtual Machines (1):
    1.7.0_04, x86_64: "OpenJDK 7" ~/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0_04.jdk/Contents/Home

I cloned the forest http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/tl/ into sources

Regarding step 3: Add Michael's patches to jdk.  (Crucial!)

For the time being you have already added this patch to the mlvm patch set as:  'macosx-7113349.patch' right?

I've set the guards to: "buildable testable"

I added a .rvmrc file in the main dir to make sure the Ruby 1.8.7 is selected (needed to build jobjc).

I'm getting an unknown revision error trying to patch hotspot:

    *** running: hg update -r
  + (cd sources/.; hg update -r $(sh $davinci/patches/make/current-release.sh))
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  + (cd sources/hotspot; hg update -r $(sh $davinci/patches/make/current-release.sh))
  abort: unknown revision 'b279f99d7143'!

Were you basing this on the jdk8/tl forest?

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