building mlvm on Mac OS X 10.6.8 using xcode 3.2.6

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at
Mon Mar 5 05:54:27 PST 2012

On 03/05/12 17:43, Stephen Bannasch wrote:
> At 5:13 PM +0400 3/5/12, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> On 03/04/12 10:49, Stephen Bannasch wrote:
>>> The only failure I've seen so far is trying to run Swing but that
>>> probably doesn't have anything to do with the MLVM patches.
>>> *** testing Swing: running SwingSet2.jar:
>>> ./build/macosx-amd64/j2sdk-bundle/1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar
>>> /Developer/Extras/Java/JFC/SwingSet2/SwingSet2.jar
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException
>>> at
>>> sun.java2d.HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice(
>>> at SwingSet2.main(
>>> Running SwingSet2.jar works fine on my 10.6.8 system using a build of
>>> jdk7u-dev from a couple of days ago.
>> Are you running it on a local console or over an ssh connection?
> In a local console

Normally this shouldn't be happening then.

>> If you roll back your patch, build a vanilla OpenJDK 8, and run SwingSet the same way on the same machine with it, will it throw the exception?
> John Rose integrated Michael's webrev for integrating macosx-port intoi jdk8 into a patch that applies to hsx/hotspot-comp (along with the other MLVM patches).
> When I looked into how to apply  Michael's webrev to jdk8/tl I couldn't see any easy way to download and apply the webrev.I can't scp the webrev. I couldn't find any instructions for how to download and apply a webrev for an "anonymous"user.

I don't seem to be seeing the Mac Port changes in a jdk8 repository (I 
checked jdk8/tl/jdk). Have Michael's fix been pushed already? I saw 
someone mentioning that... If not, then I suggest to wait till this is 
done, and then try again.

best regards,

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