Way to statically initialize a class before or during MethodHandle creation, Unsafe crashes JVM

Remi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Fri Nov 16 08:31:10 PST 2012

On 11/16/2012 05:15 PM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
> Am 16.11.2012 16:05, schrieb Remi Forax:
>> Jochen,
>> can you extract a simple test class that reproduce the bug ?
>> Also, methods of sun.misc.Unsafe are not protected again send null as
>> arguments,
>> so you have to do the check before calling unsafe.XXX.
> I am sure it is not null... as for a testcase... the groovy program is
> simple, but that does not contain the unsafe call. The unsafe call is in
> the bootstrapping code, so you would have to use the Groovy runtime. I
> will try if it is always for the same class, but since that class is
> absolutely nothing special I highly doubt it. Also the call to
> ensureClassInitialization is done thousands of times without problem
> ...
> as for another way to ensure cinit has been executed... do you have any
> idea how to get this done without Unsafe?

<clinit> is called the first time you call a constructor, a static 
method or get/set the value of a static field.

> bye Jochen


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