Latest experiments...happiness and sadness

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Wed Oct 17 12:59:34 PDT 2012

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Christian Thalinger
<christian.thalinger at> wrote:
> On Oct 17, 2012, at 8:33 AM, David Chase < at> wrote:
>> I'm very new to this (have not even looked at the source code to Hotspot yet), but is it possible
>> to push the allocation/boxing to paths that are believed to be rarely taken?
> That's what partial EA does.  I'm trying to get Vladimir to work on it and it seems I'm successful.

I started reading a bit about partial EA last night, specifically
looking at how PyPy does it.

In PyPy, the JIT treats accesses and calls against an object as acting
against a virtual object. I did not see if they actually allocate
stack space for this, but my guess is that it's "virtual" in that the
data moves are still unoptimized, unemitted operations in the IR
representation. If at some point the code calls a branch that would
need to see the actual object, they reconstitute it based on the
actual values at that point.

The concerns some have brought up about construction seem like
non-issues here; if the constructor chain is simple and just does
field updates (and doesn't allow the object to escape) then the
inlined version of the constructor can be treated as acting against
the virtual object (again, perhaps against stack-allocated object, or
just represented as object accesses in IR), so it still "runs" when
it's supposed to. The object reconstitution that happens later just
copies the current virtual object contents into new memory, and
proceeds from there.

I know very little about the current EA implementation in Hotspot. Was
it designed to be able to eventually support partial EA?

- Charlie

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