Are java.lang classes better served by the JVM?

Mark Roos mroos at
Sun Sep 30 23:26:37 PDT 2012

>From Charles
Have you taken a look at jnr-x86asm?

No,  but I just bookmarked it to talk a look.  I had been looking at JNA 
as a way to connect to native
libs.   Is there some way for me to locate/search for the jRuby native 
handler code that uses jnr?

I was looking at LLVM with the thought of optimizing the code I generate 
on the fly.  Perhaps some
fairly large sets.  The idea would be to generate a 'static' Smalltalk 
using the PIC information on types.,
convert it to C and then give it to LLVM to work over.  The other area I 
am concerned about it the GWT
for large or specialized ( integer ) callSites.  This is much more limited 
and may be a good spot for jnr.
In the later case I would be more concerned about the JNI overhead

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