thinking about proper implementation of tail calls

Alexander Turner nerdscentral at
Sun Sep 2 09:54:39 PDT 2012


I understand your challenge but it is not at all clear why tail calls would
be required. They might be elegant but not necessary.

Cheers - AJ

On 2 September 2012 17:35, Charles Oliver Nutter <headius at>wrote:

> The classfile limit is only part of the problem. In JRuby we frequently
> have larger Ruby methods fall over in the compilation process because
> Hotspot bails out on the whole thing. If we could easily break it up, we
> would at least get things to compile, even if they needed a CALL here and
> there to stitch the bits together. But except for trivial cases (chaining
> along root statements) we need tail calls for this to work well.
> - Charlie (mobile)
> On Sep 1, 2012 6:31 PM, "Mark Roos" <mroos at> wrote:
>> I am looking to learn something here that I haven't seen in my code yet.
>> John mentioned
>>         Suppose you are compiling your favorite high-level language to
>> the JVM, and you start
>>         running into the various size limits in class files
>> To which there seemed to be some agreement that this was an issue.
>>  Running over my Smalltalk
>> code base my largest method is 12000 bytes with only about a dozen that
>> are more than
>> 10k bytes.  The corresponding class file is 16k bytes ( I only do one
>> method + blocks per class file)
>> So my question is what is causing these mega methods.  Is it just an
>> artifact of the language being
>> implemented or is it from some language side optimization (such as trace
>> optimization)?  Perhaps
>> I am just lucky to not see it yet.
>> thanks
>> mark
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