some thoughts on ClassValue

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Sat Apr 27 15:31:49 PDT 2013

On 04/27/2013 11:54 PM, John Rose wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Jochen Theodorou <blackdrag at 
> <mailto:blackdrag at>> wrote:
>> Am 27.04.2013 23:26, schrieb John Rose:
>> ...
>>> Each instance of the Groovy runtime will use a distinct ClassValue 
>>> instance.
>>> If the ClassValue instance goes dead, then all the values (for each
>>> class) bound using that instance should go dead also.
>>> If they don't it's a bug.
>> well... I assume that if I have a ClassValue for Object that is an
>> isntance of Foo, that this instance will stay as long as I don't delete
>> it myself. That is how ClassValue works, or not? And that is exactly my
>> problem too.
> As a simple example:  Make a ClassValue object, bind a 1Mb array to 
> Object.class using it, and then throw it all away.  (Except 
> Object.class, naturally.)  Even if you do this in a loop, you should 
> not get a storage leak.
> (A class value bound to a class is live only if both the Class and the 
> ClassValue instance are both live.)
> Often people bind ClassValue instances to "static final" variables. 
>  If the class containing the static variable goes away, then the 
> ClassValue goes away, and anything bound (to whatever class, including 
> Object) should go away.  That's nice, at least in theory.
> Things get tricky (this probably happens in practice) when there is a 
> loop:
>   class MyRuntimeInMyClassLoader { static final MyClassValue MYCV = 
> ... } => instance of MYCV
>   instance of MYCV x Object.class (say) => instance of MyMetaStuff
>   instance of MyMetaStuff => MyRuntimeInMyClassLoader.class
> Although I am not one of the 12 people on the planet who fully 
> understand class loader interactions with GC, I suspect this loop 
> might be "sticky", and might have to be broken by (say) a 
> SoftReference.  (You can use a SoftReference if you are willing to 
> have the GC break references not recently used, which you can 
> reconstruct if needed.)
> --- John

Hello John, Jochen, sorry to interrupt,

So to break a loop, you propose the following structure if I understand 

class MyRuntimeInMyClassLoader {
     static final ClassValue<SoftReference<MyMetaStuff>> MYCV = new 
ClassValue<>() {...};

Wouldn't then MyRuntimeInMyClassLoader class be softly reachable (via 
softly reachable MyMetaStuff) and might not go away so quickly until 
there is memory pressure and consequently the MYCV ClassValue too?

Regards, Peter

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