Fwd: [jvm-l] New group to discuss adding FFI to the JVM

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Thu Aug 22 17:26:35 PDT 2013

We will be having some nice conversations about FFI on jvm-ffi at googlegroups.com.

— John

Begin forwarded message:

From: Charles Oliver Nutter <headius at headius.com>
Subject: [jvm-l] New group to discuss adding FFI to the JVM
Date: August 22, 2013 4:44:46 PM PDT
To: JVM Languages <jvm-languages at googlegroups.com>
Reply-To: jvm-languages at googlegroups.com

I've set up a google group to discuss adding FFI to the JVM.

On the JRuby project, we've been working to improve our integration of
native libraries for years. At JVMLS 2013, I presented on the Java
Native Runtime (JNR) project, created by Wayne Meissner. We've been
using JNR for years to support a wide range of native libraries, and
the Rubyists love us for it.

It's time to get an FFI library built into Java.

The group is jvm-ffi at googlegroups.com and you can join here:

Anyone who's interested in having fast access to native libraries with
the JIT and GC happily cooperating...get involved. I want a JSR for
Java 9.

- Charlie

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