Problems with LambdaForms in jdk7 after u40

Benjamin Sieffert benjamin.sieffert at
Thu Dec 12 05:17:02 PST 2013

Hello everyone!

We're using the (unofficial) java7-backport of the upcoming new JS-engine
nashorn. Unfortunately, jdk7u25 is the last version of java 7 where the
backport is working well. On u40/u45, there is a huge amount of LambdaForm
objects being generated (bumping us from 10k to 100k objects) which brings
our application down after a while. (Update 25 does not show any
LambdaForms-generation at all, at least not in -verbose:class output.)
Now I am well aware that such issues have been a major concern in recent
JSR-292/invokedynamik development and there are a lot of changes in the
upcoming java 8. However, in the meantime, we'd like to try getting around
or current problem with jdk7u45 and so far I haven't really been able to
find much detail on the changes that took place there. Is there any way we
can mitigate their impact, possibly fixing our problems?


Benjamin Sieffert
metrigo GmbH
Sternstr. 106
20357 Hamburg

Geschäftsführer: Christian Müller, Tobias Schlottke, Philipp Westermeyer
Die Gesellschaft ist eingetragen beim Registergericht Hamburg
Nr. HRB 120447.
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