New Ruby impl based on PyPy...early perf numbers ahead of JRuby

Jim Laskey jlaskey at
Sat Feb 9 18:07:09 PST 2013

Here here. 

Sent from my iPhone 4

On 2013-02-09, at 9:20 PM, Fernando Cassia <fcassia at> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 2:19 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter <headius at> wrote:
>> Anyway, I thought I'd share these numbers, since they show we've got
>> more work to do to get JVM-based dynamic languages competitive with
>> purpose-built dynamic language VMs. I'm not really *worried* per se,
>> since raw language performance rarely translates into application
>> performance (app perf is much more heavily dependent on the
>> implementation of core classes, which are all Java code in JRuby and
>> close to irreducible, perf-wise), but I'd obviously like to see us
>> stay ahead of the game :-)
>> - Charlie
> Well, bragging about speed is silly, it makes the other side improve their act and challenge you.  It´s better to enjoy the performance gains but not brag too much about it. :-P
> I find language wars silly, really, specially when benchmarks are involved. The biggest advantage for jruby is its access to a wealth of java libraries, not speed. (well, if it´s got good speech, much better, but it´s a side benefit).
> FC
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