sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(int) is going to be removed... how to replace?

MacGregor, Duncan (GE Energy Management) duncan.macgregor at
Thu Jul 11 03:45:42 PDT 2013

On 11/07/2013 05:09, "Charles Oliver Nutter" <headius at> wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 4:40 AM, Noctarius <me at> wrote:
>> Maybe a solution could be an annotation to mark calls to not
>> appear in any stacktrace?
>Personally, I'd love to see *any* way to teach JVM about
>language-specific stack traces. Currently JRuby post-processes
>exception traces to mine out compiled Ruby lines and transform
>interpreter frames into proper file:line pairs. A way to say "at this
>point, call back my code to build a StackTraceElement" would be very
>useful across languages.

I think I'd be most interested in looking at the facilities offered by
StackTraceElements, and the access provided to information like source
file data from classes. Currently we have to store duplicate information
on classes because there needs to be information accessible via debuggers
and stack traces which is also needed for providing expected pieces of
information about methods. Maybe a way to get the actual class objects
from a stack trace, and a way to access the source file information (and
other debug related data) from a class object.

This wouldn't provide a standard mechanism for language specific stack
traces, but would provide a much firmer base on which to build.


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