speed of invokeExact

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Wed May 8 14:12:25 PDT 2013

On May 8, 2013, at 5:33 AM, Jochen Theodorou <blackdrag at GMX.ORG> wrote:

> Am 07.05.2013 19:31, schrieb Christian Thalinger:
> [...]
>> Do you have any numbers?The problem is that if the MH is not constant
>> we can't do any inlining  and it will be an out-of-line call (with a trampoline in between). Is
>> your DMH a static or virtual?
> arg... looks like I made a mistake. It is not the invokeExact that is 
> slow, it is my preparation of the handle that is slow.

So it's an insertArgs and asType that's slow.  Can you distill the operations into a micro-benchmark for us?

— John

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