method handle cracking API

John Rose john.r.rose at
Tue May 14 22:58:28 PDT 2013

Here is an update on the method handle cracking API.

Though we will probably make some small adjustments, it appears to be converging.

Key points:

- interface MethodHandleInfo (MHI) presents a "cracked" symbolic reference for the member underlying a direct method handle (DMH)
- cracking of method handles which are not DMHs is left for the future
- you need the original Lookup object associated with DMH creation in order to crack it; this prevents side-channels

- there are access methods for the four components (ref kind, class, name, type) of the CONSTANT_MethodHandle (or equivalent information) that was used to create the DMH
- there is a bridge (asMember) from MHI to the Core Reflection API (can be built by user but very complex)
- there is a fast path to the modifier bits of the underlying member (for checking public, varargs, etc.)
- there are two static utility methods on MHI, toString and getReferenceKindString

- there is also an unchecked version of the cracker (revealDirectAsAccessibleObject), which always makes a security manager call and bridges directly to the Core Reflection API

- Modifier.isVarArgs and Modifier.VARARGS are made public, because there was no standard test, and variable arity is a key MethodHandle property

The implementation patch is refreshed:

Changes since last E-mail:

- added revealDirectAsAccessibleObject
- revealDirectAsAccessibleObject performs the same strong SM check as setAccessible
- when either revealDirect function is called on a non-DMH, you get NoSuchMethodException
- refined the types and documentation of exceptions and throws
- removed static methods from MHI, except getReferenceKindString and toString
- moved isVarArgs to java.lang.reflect.Modifier, where it belongs

Possible loose ends:

- minor name changes
- MHI.toMember needs a more precise spec, and the default method is dodgy
- could change ReflectiveOperationExceptions to IllegalArgumentExceptions, since the range of possible ROEs is quite limited

— John

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