Calls to native methods setCallSiteTargetNormal and defineAnonymousClass taking very long

Remi Forax forax at
Fri Sep 20 02:17:40 PDT 2013

I think you have your answer in the stack traces.
The problem arise when you (or nashorn) call eval().

I see two solutions, either ask Nashorn guys why they create callsites 
too often when you use eval() in javascript
or stop using eval() in your js script ! (if eval() is something you use 
and not something nashorn uses internally).


On 09/20/2013 09:42 AM, Benjamin Sieffert wrote:
> (sending this again because I wasn't subscribed the 1st time and hence 
> it probably got spamfiltered)
> Hello everyone,
> I have been sent over her from the nashorn-dev mailing list. We're 
> having trouble with our application getting (rather randomly) very 
> busy with calls to the methods mentioned in the topic. On jdk8, that 
> is. On jdk7, we're exclusively seeing setCallSiteTargetNormal. This 
> probably has to do with LambdaForms not being in use on jdk7. Anyway, 
> we're running roughly the following setup:
> - application mantle in JRuby
> - application core in Java
> - at the VERY core: highly repetitive javascript run via java 
> (switched from rhino to nashorn recently there)
> It's a kind of webserver handling about 2-3k reqeusts per second. Each 
> request will result in a few dozen calls to our javascript. Since we 
> need our response times to be as low as possible, we'll not do the 
> javascript-calls serially, but commit them all to an executor running 
> on a number of threads equal to the number of available cores (usually 
> 16 or 24 on our machines, 64bit-linux), so that ideally we'll use all 
> cores for every single request.
> In summary: High level of concurrency, huge number of classes and 
> nmethods generated at runtime (both by jruby and nashorn).
> (Some numbers from 65+ hrs uptime. jdk8: 140.000 classes live, 1M 
> unloaded. 800mb metaspace exhausted; jdk7: 14.000 live, 2.000 
> unloaded. 500mb permgen exhausted)
> As for our actual problem, like I said, it's that sometimes all our 
> worker threads will start to be 100% busy and, when looking at the 
> stack traces, will all be in one of those two:
> 1.
> at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.setCallSiteTargetNormal(Native 
> Method)
> at java.lang.invoke.CallSite.setTargetNormal(
> at java.lang.invoke.MutableCallSite.setTarget(
> at 
> at
> at 
> jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.Bootstrap.bootstrap(
> at 
> java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH/272755642.invokeStatic_LLLI_L(LambdaForm$DMH)
> ... (omitting a few invocations of LambdaForm methods)
> at java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH/839784351.invoke_MT(LambdaForm$MH)
> at java.lang.invoke.CallSite.makeSite(
> at 
> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.linkCallSite(
> at jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.Script$\^eval\_._L196(<eval>:231)
> ...
> 2.
> at sun.misc.Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass(Native Method)
> at 
> java.lang.invoke.InvokerBytecodeGenerator.loadAndInitializeInvokerClass(
> at 
> java.lang.invoke.InvokerBytecodeGenerator.loadMethod(
> at 
> java.lang.invoke.InvokerBytecodeGenerator.generateCustomizedCode(
> at java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.compileToBytecode(
> at java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.checkInvocationCounter(
> ... (omitting a few invocations of LambdaForm methods)
> at java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$LFI/1682860686.interpret_L(LambdaForm$LFI)
> at java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH/1997512181.linkToCallSite(LambdaForm$MH)
> at jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.Script$\^eval\_._L196(<eval>:232)
> ...
> Obviously, the application is near unresponsive under these conditions 
> (i.e. doesn't respond to actual requests from the outside, though you 
> can connect with jconsole / visualvm / jprofiler just fine and observe 
> it). CPU will be near 100% bound by these calls, too.
> Now there are a few interesting things to note that might help with 
> diagnosis.
> Maybe most importantly, a full gc (we're using CMS, but 
> CMSClassUnloadingEnabled does not need to be set) will stop the 
> misbehaviour and will return the application to its normal state. 
> Obviously, we'd rather not run full gcs all the time, but it's maybe 
> also interesting to note that this can indeed be triggered by setting 
> (on jdk7) MaxPermSize low enough or not at all. Apparently the garbage 
> collector will always find enough space to clean up on PermGen that it 
> doesn't really need to grow above some threshold -- though the graph 
> showing our PermGen consumption will then look like the one showing 
> our Heap consumption (i.e. up and down all the time) and we don't 
> really have good response times, understandably. So this is not an 
> option to fix the problem, but might be a clue to what's going on.
> A kind of additional problem in this regard is that exhausted PermGen 
> / MetaSpace will nearly stop increasing under the problematic 
> condition. Which, in turn, makes a full gc less likely to take place.
> Another clue is that we have been able to make the problem happen less 
> often by dialing back on the amount of reference-replacement we do on 
> our nashorn-javascript-engines. I.e. those engines have engine-wide 
> bindings (as according to the javax.script api) you can replace just 
> by calling .put(bindingName, object) on the engine, even while other 
> threads are involved in calls inside it. Now apparently this causes 
> much relinking of callsites to be done and thus fosters our problem.
> Still, it's hard to tell what's going on for sure, as we have no stack 
> traces for what's happening inside the native code. I hope I could 
> give you some idea.
> Best regards
> Benjamin
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