RFR(S+M) / 8022701 Accessibility checking: InvocationTargetException is thrown instead of IllegalAccessError

David Chase david.r.chase at oracle.com
Fri Sep 27 05:08:15 PDT 2013


Changes made, incorporating Rose and Forax comments.
Anyone care to push this for me?

+     * Use best possible cause for err.initCause(), substituting the
+     * cause for err itself if the cause has the same (or better) type.
+     */
+    static private Error initCauseFrom(Error err, Exception ex) {
+        Throwable th = ex.getCause();
+        if (err.getClass().isInstance(th))
+           return (Error) th;
+        err.initCause(th == null ? ex : th);
+        return err;
+    }
+    /**

Or should I convert the calls to one-liners?

+        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
+            Error err = new IllegalAccessError(ex.getMessage());
+            throw initCauseFrom(err, ex);
+        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
+            Error err = new NoSuchMethodError(ex.getMessage());
+            throw initCauseFrom(err, ex);
+        } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
+            Error err = new NoSuchFieldError(ex.getMessage());
+            throw initCauseFrom(err, ex);

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