MethodHandles#catchException bug in jdk7u40 and jdk8ea ?

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at
Fri Sep 27 07:31:04 PDT 2013

Hi again,

I have a Groovy-indy program looking like this

This did work in 7u25 and does not work in 7u40 or the developer preview 
of jdk8. What I found out is, if you remove an argument the 
IllegalArgumentException is not thrown

What I have (using 7u40 debug information) is a SimpleMethodHandle
type: (Class,int,Class,Class,Class,Class,Class,Class,Class)Object
lambda: convert=Lambda(a0:L,a1:L,a2:I,a3:L,a4:L,a5:L,a6:L,a7:L,a8:L,a9:L)=>{
arity: 10

On this I call
MethodHandles.catchException(handle, GroovyRuntimeException.class, 
UNWRAP_EXCEPTION is the the result of a findStatic and looks basically 
like this:
>     public static Object unwrap(GroovyRuntimeException gre) throws Throwable {
>         throw ScriptBytecodeAdapter.unwrap(gre);
>     }
(I add it more for the signature, than for the content.)

After the the call to catchException the type of the handle is changed 
to one containing for everything Object, instead of the original type:

type: (Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object)Object
arity: 10

Later on I add a switchpoint guard, which expects the original type and 
thus I get a runtime error about mismatched types. With a lower arity 
the type change does not happen.

Now.. looking at the documentation of the method I then this here:

>      * T target(A..., B...);
>      * T handler(ExType, A...);
>      * T adapter(A... a, B... b) {
>      *   try {
>      *     return target(a..., b...);
>      *   } catch (ExType ex) {
>      *     return handler(ex, a...);
>      *   }
>      * }

implies to me, that the type of the returned handle (adapter) should be 
equal to the type of the handle target. And that would mean this is a bug.

Am I right about this? If this is no bug, then the documentation 
absolutely needs an update, plus I doubt such behaviour is good for 

bye blackdrag

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou - Groovy Project Tech Lead
german groovy discussion newsgroup: de.comp.lang.misc
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