Truffle and mlvm

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at
Sat Aug 30 20:36:55 UTC 2014

Am 30.08.2014 14:20, schrieb Thomas Wuerthinger:
> Regarding environments supported by Truffle: Truffle interpreters are
> regular Java programs and therefore run on any JVM. For backwards
> compatibility, it is possible to build a Truffle backend that
> automatically generates bytecodes.

can you point me to some documentation for that bytecode generation 
backend? Also... can I make a something with truffle that will run on 
android? Not exactly a JVM, I know.

> Regarding the requirement for change: Yes, it is true that adapting to a
> new API requires changes. Changing the compiler and/or the interpreter
> is however happening regularly in larger language implementation
> projects (e.g., the new IR backend for JRuby). This change in the API is
> required, because it gives you the main advantage.

sure, the problem is more if you can do this change gradual or if you 
have to do it all at once. For example, if you could still write your 
bytecode and choose to only replace some method calls with truffle 
parts, that would help very much

> I do *not* believe that the problems with invokedynamic are due to a
> poor implementation by the HotSpot engineers. I also do *not* believe
> they are due to a poor job by the language implementors. They are due to
> the chosen API *between* HotSpot and language implementors.

I really really hope that I didn't say anything that sounded like that. 
If somebody understood it like that, then I appologize. That was not 
intended. It's just new.

bye Jochen

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou - Groovy Project Tech Lead
german groovy discussion newsgroup: de.comp.lang.misc
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