Groovy bugs on JIRA

Christian Thalinger christian.thalinger at
Fri Feb 7 17:13:03 PST 2014

Thanks for the information.  I agree that it is annoying that people without an OpenJDK username cannot log into JBS and add comments.  I hope this will change some day.

Maybe this is a missing backport of a fix in 8.  Will start to dig...

On Feb 7, 2014, at 6:01 AM, Cédric Champeau <cedric.champeau at> wrote:

> Alright, so after building the latest (jdk7u this time) JDK sources... I have coherent (but failing) results. Both 7u60b04 [1] and latest jdk7 sources [2] fail, with similar errors:
> target and fallback types must match: (Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object)Object != (Class,SourceUnit,Object,Object,Object,Object,Expression,Object,Object)Object
> This means that [3] can be closed, but not [4].
> Best regards,
> (login: guest, no password)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Le 07/02/2014 09:49, Cédric Champeau a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I am the reporter of both bugs on JIRA, on behalf of the Groovy team. I would definitely like to comment on the JIRA issues and give more insight here, unfortunately this is impossible and it makes communication really painful. I created those bug reports after Rory asked me to. So I feel like repeating myself too many times. Now that I bragged about it, let's get to the point :)
>> So the context. We have a CI server which tests multiple JDK configurations. All configurations can be seen in [1], the server is public, you have access to all build log files as well as exception stack traces (just use "guest" to login and no password).
>> The "JDK 7" build is using JDK 1.7u11, which is the latest JDK7 version to successfully pass all tests of Groovy.
>> The "JDK 7 snapshot" build is using a JDK built from sources. It is using the *latest sources*, and it corresponds to the bug report [2]. So when you see "b17", it doesn't mean it corresponds to *your* b17, it's just that JDK7 uses an environment variable to set the build version, while JDK8 does *not* (uses -internal instead).
>> The "JDK 8 snapshot" build is using a JDK built from sources too. This version passes all tests of Groovy.
>> We also run specific builds when you release EAP versions of the JDK. This one [4] is for example on JDK7u60b04. So my first bug report[3] corresponds to a crash test on JDK7u60b04, that is to say the latest published JDK7 version. This is really different from my second bug report [2] which corresponds to the latest state of JDK7 sources.
>> So to sum up:
>>     * no version of JDK7u60, be it 7u60b04 or latest sources, allows us to build Groovy. The errors are indeed different in both versions, hence different bug reports, but reproducible, as I encourage you to take a look at the stack traces on the CI server.
>>     * JDK8, including the RC, passes the build successfully.
>>     * JDK7u11 is the *latest* known version of JDK which successfully passes the Groovy build *and* doesn't have any annoying bug (like the infinite loop in classloader)
>> It would really be a pity if u60 goes out and that we still don't have a JDK7 version which successfully completes the Groovy build. The fact that we don't have the same errors on 7u60b04 and snapshot jdk is puzzling and makes things even more complicated. I just hope those explanations make things clearer.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> Best regards,
>> -- 
>> Cédric Champeau
>> SpringSource - Pivotal
> -- 
> Cédric Champeau
> SpringSource - Pivotal

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