Signature of MethodHandleInfo.reflectAs is not specific enough

John Rose john.r.rose at
Fri Feb 28 12:46:58 PST 2014

On Feb 25, 2014, at 3:13 AM, Ali Ebrahimi <ali.ebrahimi1781 at> wrote:

> I know, this is too late, but I want to share my suggestion:
> public <T extends AccessibleObject&AnnotatedElement> T reflectAs(Class<? super T> expected, MethodHandles.Lookup lookup)

Isn't this the same as 

public <T extends AccessibleObject> T reflectAs...


I think we considered AccessibleObject but rejected it as not buying anything significant compared with Member which is an interface.


public <T extends Member & AnnotatedElement> T reflectAs...

with both interfaces, would have been slightly better.

As the API is written (and yes it is too late to change) I don't think there are any use cases (at least with ground types) which require an extra cast.

Thank you for looking at it.

— John
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