Number of Apps per JVM

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Sun Jan 12 21:37:46 PST 2014

I think some of these requirements are at cross purposes. For example,
how can you have thread-safe object access but still be able to freely
pass objects across "processes"? How can you freely pass objects
across in-process VMs but still enforce memory red lines? The better
isolation you get between processes/VMs, the more overhead you impose
on communication between them.

I have to admit I don't know how Kilim does its object isolation.

- Charlie

On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 7:12 PM, Mark Roos <mroos at> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion on Waratek,  not sure how it would address the
> process to process
> messaging issue.  It did lead me to another very interesting read though,
>  Again
> not an answer for the messaging but something that I have always thought
> would be interesting to
> try,  a stripped down jvm+os.  Perhaps JavaOS -).
> thx
> mark
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