RFR (L) 8037210: Get rid of char-based descriptions 'J' of basic types

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Fri Mar 21 18:54:27 UTC 2014

On Mar 21, 2014, at 8:49 AM, Vladimir Ivanov <vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback.
> What do you think about the following:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~vlivanov/8037210/webrev.01/

That looks nice.  Strong typing; who woulda' thunk it.  :-)

The uses of ".ordinal()" are the extra cost relative to using just small integers.  They seem totally reasonable in the code.

I suggest either wrapping "ordinal" as something like "id" or else changing temp names like "id" to "ord", to reinforce the use of a common name.

Don't make the enum class public.  And especially don't make the mutable arrays public:

+        public static final BasicType[] ALL_TYPES = { L_TYPE, I_TYPE, J_TYPE, F_TYPE, D_TYPE, V_TYPE };
+        public static final BasicType[] ARG_TYPES = { L_TYPE, I_TYPE, J_TYPE, F_TYPE, D_TYPE };

— John

P.S.  That would only be safe if we had (what we don't yet) a notion of frozen arrays like:

+        public static final BasicType final[] ALL_TYPES = { L_TYPE, I_TYPE, J_TYPE, F_TYPE, D_TYPE, V_TYPE };
+        public static final BasicType final[] ARG_TYPES = { L_TYPE, I_TYPE, J_TYPE, F_TYPE, D_TYPE };

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