RFR(S) : 8038186 : [TESTBUG] improvements of test j.l.i.MethodHandles

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Sat Mar 29 18:58:49 UTC 2014

On Mar 28, 2014, at 2:29 AM, Vladimir Ivanov <vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com> wrote:

> PS: John mentioned recently that there's a convention for java/lang/invoke tests to be in JUnit format. I'm not sure it'll improve the code in any way (maybe TestNG will?). I hope John will express his opinion on this, if it's important.

If a test is in JUnit format, please keep it that way.  I (at least) run these tests from NetBeans which knows about JUnit.  Extracting logic from MHT and changing the test framework directly dilutes my interactive testing workflow.

If my IDE had a jtreg plugin, I wouldn't need to worry about which jtreg tests use which style, but the world isn't perfect, yet.

— John

P.S. Same comment to the people that are eager to change JUnit to TestNG apparently just because it's the new thing.  TestNG was a step backwards in my workflow because the CLI *stinks* compared to JUnit, making it nigh-impossible to manually perform one-off runs.  I assume that will be fixed but for now I patch my workspace back to JUnit in order to work in my IDE.

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