Class hierarchy analysis and CallSites

Mark Roos mroos at
Mon Sep 1 22:25:45 UTC 2014


I have looked on and off at using the class hierarchy for method lookup. 
What drives that
is noticing that most methods only have one implementation and so my PICs 
can get
overloaded with receivers which all dispatch to the same method.  This is 
one on my
main sources of megamorphic call sites.  Particularly methods of Object 
which are not

That said I also realize that even callsites which have this 
characteristic are usually monomorphic
anyway.  Its hard to imagine that any lookup is going to beat a GWT.  So I 
have been looking
mainly at sites which go megamorphic ( > 10 right now ) and where the 
number of receivers which
implement this method are less than 10.  Or for the case where the method 
is in Object and no one
overrides it.

Sorta OK, but some hierarchy chains have more than 10 members so I would 
like to somehow
use a hash of some sort to indicate a shared method implementaion. Nothing 
has come to mind
so I would be interested in what you are using.

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