[9] RFR (L): 8057042: LambdaFormEditor: derive new LFs from a base LF

Morris Meyer morris.meyer at oracle.com
Wed Sep 3 15:46:21 UTC 2014


       Could we keep /* */ comment style consistent throughout?

        @Override // there is a default binder in the super class, for 
'L' types only


!     Object transformCache;  // managed by LambdaFormEditor

This is sort of odd.  Could we have a TransformCache class that has a 
Transform[] part and a ConcurrentHashMap<Transform, Transform> part?

Everything else looks good.  All that assert laden code is nice to see.

Not a reviewer.


On 9/2/14, 9:57 AM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8057042
> LambdaFormEditor provides an API to transform LambdaForms. Deriving 
> new LambdaForms from a base one allows to cache and reuse results of 
> repeated transformations.
> BMH binding is rewritten to use LambdaFormEditor.
> Testing: jdk/java/lang/invoke, jdk/java/util/streams, nashorn, octane 
> w/ "-ea -esa" and COMPILE_THRESHOLD={0,30}.
> Reviewed-by: vlivanov, ?
> Contributed-by: john.r.rose at oracle.com
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Vladimir Ivanov
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