[9] RFR (S) 8057656: Improve MethodType.isCastableTo() & MethodType.isConvertibleTo() checks

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Fri Sep 5 08:23:53 UTC 2014


There are some corner cases which MT.isCastableTo() & 
MT.isConvertibleTo() don't treat right (e.g. int->String converstion of 
return type in MT.isCastableTo()).

Testing: jdk/java/lang/invoke, jdk/java/util/streams, nashorn, octane w/ 
"-ea -esa" and COMPILE_THRESHOLD={0,30}.

Reviewed-by: vlivanov, ?
Contributed-by: john.r.rose at oracle.com


Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

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