Use of JDK interanl ASM vs external

Mark Roos mroos at
Wed Feb 18 21:34:33 UTC 2015

A statement from Remi defined the reason for my original question very 

        the ASM packages are only 
        re-exported [1] for nashorn

Like the Nashorn folks I am building a language using the jvm for which it 
be helpful if there was a standard api for bytecode writing.  One which 
kept up
with the movement of the jvm and was focused on the needs of language 
writers. I 
am jealous that these folks get toys that I only hear talks on.

While I understand the desire to hide the internals of Java from the users 
of the
language, my preference would be for a way to open these internals for 
those of
us more interested in targeting the jvm.  Perhaps similar to how Nashorn 
the exports enabled. 


p.s.   Nice usage of Star Wars quote :)

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