Use of JDK interanl ASM vs external
Howard Lovatt
howard.lovatt at
Thu Feb 19 22:19:22 UTC 2015
It would be nice to ship a byte code generation/manipulation package as
part of the JVM since this would encourage many new types of libraries and
applications. It would also be nice if the JVM didn't grow much! Therefore
in the ideal world ASM would be publicly exposed and just the extra
patching would be internal.
On Thursday, February 19, 2015, Remi Forax <forax at> wrote:
> On 02/18/2015 11:30 PM, Attila Szegedi wrote:
> With Nashorn, we're language implementers who happen to have their runtime
> shipped as part of the JRE. For better or worse, we need to have our
> dependencies shipped with it, hence a privately bundled ASM. We have a
> somewhat unique deployment model, if you wish. It is still OW2 Consortium's
> ASM, so we don't get any toys that you wouldn't get if you included a copy
> of ASM with your runtime. I saw Remi mentioning that the bundled ASM
> supposedly has some methods elevated to public level, but I honestly am not
> aware of that in my usage of it.
> no, lambda forms implementation use one internal method but there is a
> simple way to use the public API to do the same thing,
> it's really a detail, I should not have mention it.
> So, I'm not really aware of any toys we keep for ourselves. I've been
> talking about "dynamic bytecode toolkit" at various conferences, but that's
> work I want to tackle in the future, we don't have that yet, unfortunately
> (I'd be thrilled if I woke up and it was there, 'cause it'd mean I wrote it
> in my sleep :-) )
> Attila.
> BTW, I've just written a new 'dynamic bytecode toolkit' on top of ASM,
> that should help everybody that what to do type specialization on top of
> the VM.
> once JDK-8072008 [1] will be fixed, perf for primitive ops will be not far
> from Java
> (I consider that perf for reference ops are already on par).
> Rémi
> [1]
> On Feb 18, 2015, at 10:34 PM, Mark Roos <mroos at
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','mroos at');>> wrote:
> A statement from Remi defined the reason for my original question very
> well.
> the ASM packages are only
> re-exported [1] for nashorn
> Like the Nashorn folks I am building a language using the jvm for which it
> would
> be helpful if there was a standard api for bytecode writing. One which
> kept up
> with the movement of the jvm and was focused on the needs of language
> writers. I
> am jealous that these folks get toys that I only hear talks on.
> While I understand the desire to hide the internals of Java from the users
> of the
> language, my preference would be for a way to open these internals for
> those of
> us more interested in targeting the jvm. Perhaps similar to how Nashorn
> has
> the exports enabled.
> regards
> mark
> p.s. Nice usage of Star Wars quote :)
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-- Howard.
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