[9] RFR (M): 8067344: Adjust java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/LFGarbageCollectedTest.java for recent changes in java.lang.invoke

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Mon Jan 12 18:06:54 UTC 2015


Thanks for the review!

Updated webrev:

>    70             TestMethods testCase = getTestMethod();
>    71             if (testCase == TestMethods.EXACT_INVOKER || testCase == TestMethods.INVOKER) {
>    72                 // Invokers aren't collected.
>    73                 return;
>    74             }
> Can you just filter those test cases out in the main method within EnumSet.complementOf?
Good point! Done.

>    82             mtype = adapter.type();
>    83             if (mtype.parameterCount() == 0) {
>    84                 // Ignore identity_* LambdaForms.
>    85                 return;
>    86             }
> Under what conditions does this arise? i guess it might be non-determinisitic based on the randomly generated arity for the test case, so could filter more tests than absolutely required?
Some transformations can rarely degenerate into identity. I share your 
concern, so I decided to check LambdaFor.debugName instead.

>>   - need to keep original test data for diagnostic purposes, since getTestCaseData() produces new instance.
>    78                 adapter = getTestMethod().getTestCaseMH(data, TestMethods.Kind.ONE);
> Could replace "getTestMethod()" with "testCase".

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

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